“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”
-Bertrand Russell
is a daughter of the Earth who brings her powerful, rooted energy to everything she does. Her passion for life sparkles with enthusiasm and her deep insight and gentle wisdom empowers others to achieve healing on the deepest levels. Her close relationship with Spirit as a child shines through in her; it feeds her playful soul. With a commitment to her own education and her genuine love of serving others, Kat brings indigenous practices to help people remember themselves and step into their own transformational fires. Whether through shamanic practice or through empowerment workshops, she encourages all to step through fear into the power of their own story and the vision of their dreams.
Kat Naslas has studied Transpersonal Education with Spiritual Master Peggy Dylan and is certified by Sundoor as a Master Firewalk Instructor and Breath work Practitioner.
She has studied various cultural shamanic practices under several teachers including Nan Moss and David Corbin (Core Shamanism- Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-year residential program), John-Luke Edwards (Wolven Path Tradition-Pathfinder), Itzak Beery (Ecuadorian), Stephen Mulhearn (Sandra Ingerman Soul Retrieval), Ernesto Ortiz (Shamanic Trance Dance and Akashic Record Reading), and is one of Sierra Bender’s core teachers of the Sierra Bender Empowerment Method YA200-hour training, 13 Levels of Empowerment, and Goddess to the Core Workout.
Kat continues to study and serve as part of shamanic and other healing work in South and Central America, Europe, Indonesia, as well as USA and Canada, and supports several organizations including The Circle of the Great Mystery (SCGM), Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), Society for Shamanic Practitioners (SSP and SSP-UK) as well as the New York Shamanic Circle (NYSC).
You can book an appointment for in-person or distance healing work or check her schedule for workshops and ceremonies across North America, Europe, and Costa Rica–including Firewalk, Trance Dance, Board-Break, Arrow-Break, Rebar-Bend, Coming-of-Age, and more.
Kat is also available to travel to your community for workshops or healing sessions.