Jan 23-24  Firewalk and Sweatlodge (Temezcal)  InanItah, Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua
for information and to register please email connect@inanitah.com and visit www.inanitah.com

Feb 13th: Firewalk in Beauty, Teochantli Cultural Center,Puriscal, Costa Ricatrance-dance-katalyst-healing-arts
pls contact Abuela Ana Itzpapalotl  anadsd@yahoo.com

Feb 20-24 Moondance: Teochantli Cultural Center, Puriscal, Costa Rica

April 19-22 Moondance: Boriquen  PR

May 4-8 SCGMSS 8th Residential Animist/Shamanic Conference & Gathering Squamish BC Canada (Optional add-on days: May 2 & 3 Pre-Conference, May 9 Post-Conference) For more information please visit http://circleofgreatmystery.org/2016-death-birth/

May 20-22: Wildsouls Retreat Taos, New Mexico
for more information pls visit http://inchantedjourneys.com

May 24-30 Hawksnest Quest Vision Quest
with Chief Roman Guaraguaorix ( Redhawk) Perez, upstate New York

June  Littlebrave Family Sundance, South Dakota

Sept 16-18  Wildsouls Retreat New York
for more information pls visit http://inchantedjourneys.com